Monday, June 8, 2009

Left 4 dead expert mode

Last weekend me, horo, pookychan and yuru play Left 4 dead on expert mode in no mercy campaign. Let just say it WAS HARD. Our first try resulted in most of us DEAD, ah tank you did such a lovely job. Tank in expert really live up to their name as a tank, one hit incapitated mode and then dead in 3 or less hit. Since normal infected deal 10 damage per hit naturally by the time we see tank our health range from green to red, often yellow and red. Friendly fire is also 100% in expert mode so funny thing often happen, for example, me shooting zombie and then horo/pookychan jump down to my line of fire, horo/pookychan in incapitated mode.
Apparently tank run faster when it was on fire so hide and seek often occur when tank is on fire and we are in wide area. If it is in small area well let just say 80% of the time we see tank we die XD.
In the end after saturday failure, we did better at Sunday night after attempting the finale about 5++ time it result in yuru and pookychan surviving 2nd tank which naturally lead to us thinking they will survive but at the end Pookychan firendly fire yuru IN FRONT OF THE HELICOPTER causing incapitated mode and therefore Pookychan is the only sole survivor. WE did better though overall so let's try again after our exam period guys, hurray.

~~~~~~~HAPPY END~~~~~~~~~~


  1. do u have any screenies of eric getting saved by helicopter or were u lol'ing too much because he FF'ed yunyun?

  2. Well i admit I offed Yun yun which i particularly didn't regret much... but i was a accident. Shotgun discharge i under estiimated it spread power....Hope he doesn't do revenge time on me... Fingers crossed ^_-

  3. yeah i thought it was an m5.

    more like an accidental spray.

  4. I switched weps before i moved to copter. Cause when ur in a hurry u dont always pick again after u get the wrong wep
