Saturday, June 20, 2009

2 WTH of the day:death on a plane and Japanese always surprise me

What happen when someone die on a plane trip? What do they do with the dead body? Do they have a secret compartment that store the body? Do they land immediately? Do they act business as usual? This question arise due to the sudden death of a Continental Airlines pilot. Read more here

Apparently it differ for each company. Jetstar policy is for the body to be taken to back of the plane area or cabin’s rest crew. Virgin blue policy is land ASAP. Singapore airline have corpse cupboards (O.o), British Airways meanwhile place the corpse on the first class area (=.=).

So what would you prefer they do?

to read more go to this link

I am doing another WTH of the day since i miss yesterday one =D

So do you like your DS? Do you like strike witches? Do you like the anime enough to buy a special edition stirke witches game that come with a special DS holders that look like girl’s athletics shorts (bloomer)? Yes you didn’t read it wrong, it a freaking DS holder shape like Japanese schoolgirls gym short (man I wish they do it here for our high school). Courtesy of Kotaku.

P.S. holder come brand new

and just for the sake of it here you go a l4d funny video


  1. hmm interesting article on deaths happening on flights.

    lol that would never happen on l4d if we were playing. those ppl were complete noob.

  2. Well in our l4d maybe its witch instead of tank =D *cough horo sux cough cough

  3. we tested if tank can break through safe room remeber? and sadly it did, almost killing all of us or was it only yun yun?
