Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Music playlist

Anyway I add my own music playlist at this website (stormservers’s playlist) it should appear at top left, all of them is based from anime and mostly song that I really enjoy. Still new at this so bear with me if there is faulty stuff or so, tell me so hopefully I can fix it. The vocaloid of Hatsune miku playlist is still there but I found it to be mixing music file sometime so yeah enjoy. I will probably add more music but not right now can’t be bothered

P.s. Music is courtesy of

edit: should appear at top now


  1. It's freakin big!!! Too distracting......

  2. yes i agree..
    tang sux

  3. put english music on your playlist.. not this anime crap

  4. It his favorite stuff. Who cares whats on it?

  5. Oh there are english music horo (It's written in english) i.e. first one on the list
