Thursday, June 18, 2009

WTH of the day - Heart Attack Grill, Arizona

Sorry tang, I stole your idea on the "WTH of the day". But, when I saw this, I actually said "WTH", so I had to post it.
The Heart Attack Grill Restaurant is located on Arizona in the US; featuring very appropriate menu items- the "Quadruple Bypass Burger", "Flatliner Fries" and many others. The "Quadruple Bypass Burger" apparently has more than 8,000 calories.

Once you enter the Heart Attack Grill, you are greeted by appropriately dressed nurses (who are disclaimered to have no medical experience), and are dressed with a hospital gown. If you weigh 350LB (which is about 160kg), you eat for free.

No wonder there are so many obese Americans!
Here is their website:

1 comment:

  1. urgh I feel sick, anyway they sell cigarete???? anyway STUDY HORO, OMG you blog twice today.
