Sunday, June 14, 2009

WTH of the day


Anyone like Pad Thai? how about Pizza? which one will you choose during your mealtime?

Apparently Pad Thai is more fattening that pizza. Why you ask? because the consumer Group choice said so. Apparently noodle based dishes it energy dense and Pad Thai is especially high in calories and sodium (salt for all those that doesn’t know).

Which takeaway food is most healthiest? Chinese of course but stay away from coconut milk (NOOO), creamy sauce (my SWEET AND SOUR PORK), fried rice (WTH?), and Satay dishes (meh). We should order stir fries and braised meat instead (damn all the nice one is always the bad one).

Link below for more comparison with other take away food here (KFC, Pizza hut, Dominoes, etc2),27574,25630150-36398,00.html


  1. Better. Food articles ftw~!

    Ok. More pizza and less Pad Thai lol. Time to hit Pizza Hut Town Hall more often instead of Satang Thai Haymarket.

    - Coconut Milk (Nooo.. bb laksa).
    - Sweet and Sour Pork.. such an Aussie dish lol tang. It is what Aussies order, along with spring rolls (yumcha size ones, not homemade).
    - Fried Rice shouldn't be too unhealthy- Homemade fried rice owns any other fried rice anyways.
    - Satay dishes are awesome, go to Dixon and order sizzling hotplates omg.. awesome.

    Not like I'm going to alter my way of eating.. but it was interesting to know.

  2. Oi2 if you eat too much it will be as bad lol.
    I just ate laksa on saturday XD, is sweet and sour pork and aussie dish wth?, Dixon? where is that?
    Yeah As long as u do excersise it will be fine horo2
