Tuesday, June 16, 2009

WTH of the day: 8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism | Cracked.com

Today WTH of the day is courtesy of Pchan. PHEER THE POWER OF INTERNET. Read more to find out why

Cracked.com has released list of 8 awesome cases of internet vigilantism. Basically cases where people did something stupid/bad/hated and the whole internet society come and mobbed you to a point where your whole life basically destroyed before your eyes. That's why kid please use internet responsibly.

8 Awesome Cases of Internet Vigilantism. Wait, the Internet can be useful?


  1. To avoid all this its simply follow rule 1. dont be an AS*H*LE. 2nd rule clean up what mess u left behind... After that i doubt anyone will face the problem they suffered(they as the ones on the article posted)
