Wednesday, June 24, 2009

WTH of the day: Big Mac size (Is ours getting smaller???)

Big Mac one of the most famous known icon in the world. Peter Ritchie (guy who brought McDonald to Australia) said its size had not been reduced (really?=3)

In reality our Big Mac is the smallest Big Mac in the world with a standard diameter of 9.5 cm it is 20% smaller than the biggest Big Mac in Central America and Middle East (both standard diameter is 12 cm). Oz Big Mac is also the lightest, with weight of 201g it is 18g (8%) lighter than the largest Big Mac.

Strangely our sodium seen an increase from 891 mg to 960 mg but it is still the lowest sodium content in the world (SERIOUSLY WE LOST IN SALT CONTENT AS WELL and 960 mg is a lot). Malaysia have the most amount of salt in their Big Mac (2700 mg nearly triple ours), while US is only 2100 mg.

So who say Big Mac is not healthy for you? Aussie Big Mac is the most healthiest Big Mac in the whole world BELIEVE IT.

taken from,,25629611-5006301,00.html

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