Thursday, July 23, 2009


I PASS my driver license test today yay. Somehow I don’t feel that happy due to various reason like one my supervisor took ages to come check my result after I finish and then he said I failed miserably and make me wait with this mixed feeling of confuse, depress and angry for a few minute before saying congratulation you pass. Another reason is that the actual driver license is no difference from my previous one, same colour only noticeable difference is my speed limit is now 100 km/hour and also no more restriction on automatic transmission only, I can do manual now yipee *sarcasm*. I was expecting the license border to be green or something but no still red yare2.

Anyway I finish eden of the east anime, quite an interesting anime about 12 guys that was given 10 billion to make Japan a better place with one guy trying to destroy Japan to built a new one versus another guy that try to prevent it, there is more to it than this but yeah I don’t want to spoil anyone who hasn’t watch it. Overall I really enjoy it and currently waiting for the 2 movie coming out on November and January wee.

Oh also today I found another article about l4d2 in It contain video about the new game play and new boss infected. There are some new feature but yeah please add more feature that doesn’t make it look like l4d expansion pack.

Btw try a sushi train place at mandarin center called Sagunja. I quite enjoy it, the portion is smaller than others place but the taste is really nice and the price is $2.50 for ALL sushi plate, now that’s cheap. I only found that the place is lacking dessert but hey sushi for 2.50 still nice man. In short I ate a lot XD.