Sunday, July 5, 2009

Left4dead Blood harvest

File:Blood Harvest.jpg

Another weekend, another left 4 dead game. This time it’s the 4th and final official campaign in left 4 dead Blood Harvest. In my opinion this is one of the hardest and annoying campaigns of them all due to the forest setting and wheat field horde event in the last map.

Time taken to finish this campaign is 2 hours and 29 minutes. I believe it was our worse run ever. E.g. first map lots of incapacitation occur due to low visibility in the forest (we never had this in other map). Overall game was fun, we somehow manage to complete the 4 map before the finale without restarting (which is good, new record maybe?), lots of funny moment occur during this time, with friendly fire incident, and tank appearing out of nowhere (flame and run, RUUUNNN).

We then start to have a few problems with the map finale. Which include horde event right in front of safe room, which lead to backtracking often to find the horde appear from top of safe room (this is unfair T_T). Tank also sometime decide to show himself during this time or witch. The witch is fine since we can sneak past her but the tank man, we can’t exactly set him on fire and run around due to lack of room, so we often die from his appearance. We also often dead during the crescendo event in the wheat field caused by crow got scared of us running through (one time tank appear during this event uncool).

Upon reaching the finale place we often found the place is lacking bomb or pills and since we only got one Molotov cocktail, setting tank on fire and run around is a bit of a problem so we often die due to falcon punch or tank stoned (see below for example).

We nearly finish the campaign with only one survivor who is Obama Louis (played by me, tank is no match for the real tang), but smoker just have to tongue me when the APC door open RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.

At the end Obama Louis, is the only survivor (surviving the last tank alone, thanks to Pookychan/Horo/Yuru’s rifle that I scavenge and running around). My second chance to prevent the smoker tongue I hide on the barn side door to prevent him from constricting me (lucky not from behind) and run for safety when APC open door. Thank you guys Obama Louis cannot make it without the valiant sacrifice by Zoey (squeezed by tank), Francis (Stoned by tank) and Bill (falcon punch by tank) and their continuous chant of “Yes WE CAN”.

MVP of the Blood Harvest campaign are me XD. Well anyway I calculate it using the statistic I got from the credit at the end. Using this statistic and also my own opinion on the factors weight, I calculate (using excel) which of us have the highest number at the end. I weight survivability the highest (16 % weight) since I think thats the most important. Any suggestion will be helpful.

Score for this campaign were

Huratio 2.53
Pookychan 2.95
Tangkey 3.94
Yuru 2.36

Anyway below is some random video I shoot, hope you will enjoy it

Thanks and until next time, meanwhile enjoy the various video I took.

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