Sunday, July 19, 2009

Aroma Festival


rx aroma 09 - event mapAnother weekend during my holiday. This Sunday I went to an aroma festival. Where its a festival for coffee, chocolate, tea and herbs and spices. Overall I think it just a huge festival with themes in each sector. Which is quite interesting because its basically coffee, coffee, coffee, chocolate, coffee, tea, coffee, chocolate, coffee, food, food, coffee, herbs, well you get the general idea. Beside is map of the festival spanning most of the rocks areas in Sydney









And the 3 warriors set off from Circular quay upon their journey to conquer each world on the way towards their goal “the harbour bridge”.


DSC05636            the warriors stumble upon enemy nest fuelled with caffeine from most of the stall.

DSC05637            AHH our Goal the harbour bridge


DSC05640            One conquest at a time, behold the long line of Mayan coffee and chocolate which turn out to be due to small coffee machine. It’s a trap to hold us off.

DSC05641            Time to regain some HP from this shots.

DSC05642 So creamy and so sweet

DSC05645            Oh noes the hordes are upon us run to the nearest shelter go go.

DSC05647            We trudge along to a market stall where they sell various wonderful trinket. Those round thing is so hypnotising

   DSC05674 The glass master at work at making rose glass surrounded by his other glass work. I bought some of the stuff he did (look at end of postDSC05675

DSC05649 Moving alongDSC05651 Do we need to recover from our hp? this thing look divine

DSC05656            What are those people looking at from there? are they looking down at us? How rude. Let us go up and slay them all

DSC05657 My mistake, they were looking at a work of artDSC05659            This Mona Lisa art is apparently made of  4000 cups of coffees, from latte, long blacks and flat white.

DSC05661 I dare you to guess what is this strange device does. Hints- we are in aroma festival where most of the stuff have caffeine in them or something that make you high XD.

DSC05662 Answer is a poison maker, yep he is at the moment making potassium cyanide concoction. Who am I kidding its a coffee maker machine XD.

DSC05663  People … so many peopleDSC05667            Lads our goal is in sight let us make haste


DSC05670            GOOOAAALLLLL. Anyway time to eat.

DSC05669 DSC05671 We order a gozlemes, and also chicken kebab roll with grilled fish roll, it was alright. Oh we also order Turkish tea and also Turkish lemonade with 3 types of different preservatives included within XD

DSC05672 Look out the camel rider are here to disturb our moment of triumph, quick hide the food.

Overall it was a great trip with lots of people, I bought a chai latte along with 2 glass works that glow in the dark XD, I also bough herbs and spice and a rocky road chocolate along with it. Currently I am recuperating from excess caffeine and sugar, my poor poor stomach OTL.


Loot of war

DSC05678this glass suppose to glow in the dark



DSC05681 well it glow but not very good with camera lol


  1. Nice pics on a nice day, gj. Lu gak pake night vision buat glow in the dark thingie?

  2. should have gone =\
    i am a coffee addict.
